5% off turntables....

We at Audio T Swindon have joined forces with our good friends at Red House Records to bring you this exclusive offer!

   During the month of May, When you spend just £10 on vinyl at Red House Records you will be able to claim 5% off any Rega or Pro-Ject turntable of your choice with us at Audio T Swindon.         

So if you have your heart set on a new turntable why not pop down to our friends at Red House Records and have a thumb through their ever growing New & Second Hand vinyl selection and see what takes your fancy.

Once you're done there, be sure to pay us a visit with your newly purchased Lp and take a look at our turntable selection. We'll be happy to put on your latest vinyl purchase!

For more information or to book a demo, Please feel free to give us a call on: 01793 53822 or email us at: swindio@audio-t.co.uk.

Sennheiser gain Momentum 2.0

You may already be familiar with the original and very popular Momentum headphones from Sennheiser.

They were a great take on the broadcast industry standard HD25 but tuned for domestic use around the house or out and and about.

Now, the new Momentum 2.0 has stepped up the portable theme with the ability to fold them away and tuck into your manbag.

See!! they fold away, nice.

The new earpads are now memory foam and are covered in leather,

they are also larger then the previous cups making them much more comfortable to wear.

The headband is now a combination of memory foam and leather for comfort.

An in line remote,microphone is included for either Apple iOS or Android, depending on your preference, along with a nice carrying case.

And of course attention to detail is typically Sennheiser.

We like the new Momentum 2.0, they makes more sense now.

Most of our customers actually bought the original Momentums to use while on the move so go figure, add the fact that they are also more comfortable now and Sennheiser may have another hit on their hands.

Our set are nicely run in and are on demo at our Manchester store.

Pop over to the store and we'll plug you in.

Munir, Dave, Mike and Kev.

Sennheiser is also available from the following branches of Audio T. 


N.B. - Not all models are available in all branches, so please call the branch before travelling.

Stunning Cyrus Signature System at Southampton Audio T!

Having been without Cyrus's premium range of Hi-Fi separates for a while we are delighted to rejoin the elite club of Cyrus Signature stockists.

We have had our demo system for long enough now to run it in and have been blown away by the improvements in sound quality which Cyrus have engineered into their top flight products since our involvement with the previous range.



From the top the first product is the Stream X Signature, Cyrus's top flight streamer source component.  It's capable of the highest quality 24 bit/192 kHz audio files with the added advantage of over 100,000 internet radio stations being accessible via TuneIn.  The Cadence app enables access to your entire music library via iOS or Android.  The audio performance is superb, open, detailed and fully engaging.  At £1249.95 it's something of an audiophile bargain.

Next shelf down the Stream X Signature is digitally linked to a DAC XP Signature, audiophile DAC preamplifier.  The 32 bit resolution DAC is separated fom the fully balanced preamp section, avoiding any noise interference or distortion and the end result of this attention to detail shines through in the authority and clarity of the sound.  

The DAC XP Signature is £2999.95.  A fair price for the performance on offer especially as it is effectively two high end products in one.

Below this and connected to the DAC XP Signature is a PSX-R2 power supply, the latest improved version of Cyrus's biggest selling product.  It can enhance the performance of many Cyrus products, present and past.  In this deployment it powers the filter stages of the DAC XP Signature maximising the isolation between DAC and preamp power supplies making a great product even better.  Well worth the price of £745.00 in the context of this system.

The lower two shelves house Mono X 200 signature power amplifiers.  Cyrus's trademark distinctive and compact casework gives little clue to the amount of power these amplifiers are capable of, an astonishing 150W into 8 ohms, rising to 240W into 4 ohm loads.  Distortion is virtually non-existent thanks to the Zero Feedback design.  The smart cooling fans only function when listening at high level and automatically switch off during quiet passages to ensure your musical enjoyment isn't spoiled.

For those needing, or wanting, even more power Mono X 300 Signatures are available at £2749.95 each, providing 225W into 8 ohms and 365W into 4.  The Mono X 200 Signatures are £1949.95 each and have absolutely no trouble driving our current favourite speakers, the amazing PMC Twenty 26.

In fact, this Cyrus system with the PMC speakers has stunned us with it's grip and authority and sheer musicality.  Give us a call to come in for a listen.  We're sure you'll be equally impressed!

Incidentally, the Cyrus Tri-Arbour housing this system is for sale as an ex-demo bargain, reduced from £534.95 to £300.00.  The buyer would need to collect from our store.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Alan and John












New Naim Classic Power Amplifier Upgrades

Audio T Brighton are very much looking forward to having the newly updated Naim Classic
Power Amps in store and on demonstration. We are led to believe the DR upgrades throughout
the series including the NAP200DR, and upgraded new NA009 transistors for the NAP250DR,
NAP300DR & NAP500DR provide a significant performance upgrade. These new versions of the
Naim Classic range are released in June, with the NAP500DR due in August.

Details below from Naim...

Upgrades will be available for existing owners of the NAP 250, NAP 300 and NAP 500 power amplifiers from late 2015, early 2016. Only new style product with 'tryptych' casework will be upgradeable; older 'Olive Series' style amplifiers will not be compatible. More information regarding the servicing process will be made available in due course.

Statement Technology

Last year we launched our most ambitious product yet. Statement, our flagship amplification system, was over ten years in the making. Designed and crafted without compromise, it offers the pinnacle of Naim musical performance.

Now we are able to bring two core Statement technologies to bear on our core range of power amplifiers, improving substantially their ability to convey the fundamental qualities of music, creating a deeper and more intense listening experience.

Naim DR (Discrete Regulator) Technology  

Naim DR technology was first introduced to our separate range of power supplies in 2012. It was then applied to our flagship Statement amplification system and adapted to handle the higher current demands. Now we have introduced the benefits of this technology to our core range of power amplifiers, providing the smooth, stable and low-noise power supply we know is vital to audio performance.

NA009 Transistors

The new Naim NA009 power transistor is the product of a year long research project in collaboration with a specialist semi-conductor manufacturer. It delivers advantages in material properties, thermal stability and die matching over the previous reference, together with being a higher power device. First introduced to our flagship Statement NAP S1 power amplifier, this technology will now benefit the rest of our core range of Classic and 500 Series power amplifiers.

In addition to these two new technologies the circuit board designs in all of the power amplifiers have been revisited, which alongside further small improvements to transistor mounting and heat-sinking, delivers substantial gains in performance.

Chord Company/Dynaudio Focus XD Evening June 11

We would like to invite you to a musical extravaganza!

On Thursday June 11 The Chord Company and Dynaudio UK will be joining forces to show you some amazing products.

The evening wil start at 6.30 pm with a demonstration by Chord. Highlighting how their cables can drastically improve your system and also showing the differences that cable construction techniques have on sound performance; for example, shielding, conductor size and plug design.

Plus one lucky person will win a Chord Cadenza RCA to RCA worth £275!


At 7.30 pm Dynaudio will demonstrate their latest and most exciting speakers yet, the new Focus XD range. Focus XD speakers connect directly to the music source, making for a simple, stunning, high end system. With built in high performance digital amps and capable of 24 bit/192 resolution playback. They are upgradable to both multiroom and wireless use. These will be connected using Chord's flagship interconnect, the Sarum.

An authentic home made Thai buffet and refreshments will be provided.

We will also be offering a 15% discount on all Chord Co Cables or Dynaudio sold on the night!

Spaces are limited so if you would like to attend, please call 01865 765961 or e.mail oxford@audio-t.co.uk


Rega Record Store Day Turntables

We still have stock of the limited edition Rega Record Store Day turntables for 2015

It's also still possible that one of the 12 signed decks is here, we can't open the boxes to find out!

Even if you don't end up with a signed one, you will still have a great turntable that is one of only 500 made in the Record Store Day livery

Maybe it's worth taking a chance?

New Q Acoustics 3000 Series Loudspeakers

We have just taken delivery of selected models of the new Q Acoustics 3000 series loudspeakers.

Q Acoustics 3010

The new 3010 compact loudspeaker is a totally new loudspeaker from Q Acoustics.

Utilising the new 2 in 1 concentric ring dome tweeter and the Aramid fibre/paper cones for te bass/mid driver. These coupled with a strong lower resonance cabinet the 3010 really does set a new standard for a speaker at this price.

On listening we have found the 3010 to give a significant improvement over previous models. The top end is silky smooth, detail is exceptional and for the cabinet dimensions the bass response is truly excellent.

The 3010 is highly recommended for Hi-fi use and can also be integrated with the 3090C centre loudspeaker and 3070S sub woofer for home cinema use.

Available in the following finishes:

Matt Graphite, American Walnut, Black Leather, High gloss black or white.

They are ideal for Stand mount (dedicated stands are  available) or shelf mounting. If wall mounting is required a dedicated wall bracket is also available.

Q Acoustics 3050

Again the 3050 utilises the new 2 in 1 concentric ring dome tweeter and is coupled with two 165mm Aramid fibre/paper cone bass drivers.

This large floorstander delivers exceptional bass extension and midrange openness coupled with an astonishingly smooth and open high frequencies.

The 3050 is an ideal speaker for larger rooms and when high sound levels are required.

Available in the the same high quality finishes as the 3010.

Again the 3050 is an ideal speaker to intergrate into a home cinema system.

Both speakers are now available for demonstration.

The Q Acoustic brand is available from the following Audio T Stores:


N.B. Demo stock varies from store to store, so please call ahead first to check availability before travelling. 

Classic Album Evening Number Sixteen Led Zeppelin IV

Following the success of our Fifteenth Classic Vinyl Evening, we are pleased to announce Classic Vinyl Night number Sixteen.        

This will be on Tuesday 14th July and once again will be held at the Fusion Room restaurant, 80 Friargate, Preston, PR1 2ED, at 7pm 7.30 start.

Click the link to find where we will be http://www.fusionroom.co.uk/

The album we have chosen is Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin

The idea is simple... just turn up and listen to an album in it's entirety on vinyl with a short break to grab a drink half way in. If you are interested in joining us please email the store preston@audio-t.co.uk or call us on 01772 883958 to confirm your place

If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you

Ian, Gavin and Andy       


Naim NAC-N 272 Streaming Pre-Amplifier

Are you thinking about a new pre-amp? A new streamer to go with your pre-power? Then Naim's new pre-amp streamer maybe what you are looking for.

The NAC272 is Naims latest Pre-Amp and if it were just a Pre-amp it would be an awesome partner to most power amps. It doesn’t just fulfil that role (admirably) as it also incorporates a Streamer. Anyone who knows how streamers work will understand that a large percentage of getting streamers to right is the interface used to control it. Naim do not disappoint (as many do), instead they allow simple control from either android or Apple devices. As its a Naim streamer it also sounds excellent and allows the streaming of files up to 24bit/192KHz. Other functions include iRadio, Blue tooth (apt X), USB, Spotify Connect and an optional DAB/FM module. It has three analogue inputs and six digital inputs so you've plenty of options there.

Naim have been very clever in it's design as unlike most of Naims other Pre-Amps it has its own power supply meaning you can use it with other manufacturers power amps. They have also included the ability to upgrade the Pre with a separate power supply namely the XP5 XS, XPS or the 555 PS. When used this way immediate gains are heard as you are upgrading both the Pre-Amp itself and the streamer.

To give you an idea of how good a Pre-Amp the NAC-272 is, it could be used with a NAP200, 250 or even a 300. We have been using it mainly with a NAP250 with a 555 PS driving a pair of Focal Maestro Utopia’s (we have on temporary loan from Focal) and the sound is quite superb. As I have said it can also be used outside of Naims stable with virtually any power amp. We tried it with a Bryston 4B to great effect as you could clearly here the Naims excellent insightfulness presentation and fantastic timing coming through.

We have it in store now, so if you would like to come to the shop for a demonstration give us a call and see what the 272 can do for you.

Naim products and the NAC272 are available from most Audio T stores. Check stores and availability.







Arcam's A39 makes itself heard at Audio T Enfield

Arcam's 40 years of audio engineering knowledge gives birth to a new ground breaking amplifier design. We are very pleased to introduce the Arcam A39 two channel stereo integrated amplifier!

The A39 is equipped with 2 pairs of speaker outputs, a MM phono stage, 6 phono inputs, a 3.5mm aux input, a 6v accessory power output (rSeries products), headphone amplifier, record output & a pre out.

The A39 sets new standards of clean & distortion free audio, making the competition sound "masked" or "veiled" in comparison. This is largely down to the 120 watt Class G amplifier inside. The most interesting part of the A39 amplifier design is that the first 20 watts is pure Class A, while the remaining 100 watts is in Class AB.

Listen to Arcam's new Class G amplifiers today

Give us a call to book a demo

 Audio T

159a Chase Side
0208 367 3132

*The Arcam brand is also stocked at other Audio T stores - read more about Arcam and which stores it is available from.

Panasonic LCD television bargains

We have a number of ex demonstration Panasonic televisions that we need to move on. If you are looking for a bargain, please see below:

Panasonic TX42AS600 A 42" LCD with Smart functionality, Freetime, Swipe and Share all for £499.

Panasonic TX40AX630 A 40" 4K Ultra HD LCD. Freetime, Smart Functionality plus much, much more. £699!

Panasonic TX42AS740 Better picture quality than the 600/630 and 650 models, Freetime, Passive 3D. £699!

Panasonic TX60AS650 For those who require a large TV for a truly cinematic experience. Freetime, Smart functionality, Passive 3D £1599.

Installation of ARCAM FMJ AV950 & UDP411

A quick peek at a recent installation for a customer in Cardiff replacing Linn processor and disc player with the latest ARCAM FMJ AV950 processor and ARCAM FMJ UDP411.

The customer also chose a new home for all their lovely electronics in the shape of the very impressive Atacama Evoque Eco 60/40 rack.

This easy to assemble unit looks fantastic with its sustainable bamboo shelving and glossy black legs. Its design is elegant yet solid and sturdy. 

Above are the early stages of installation showing the AV950 processor.

 Below is the next step including UDP411.

The customer is currently running the B&W 805 speakers, bi-amped using  two Linn power amps. The intention is for these to be replaced in the near future with up to date Arcam FMJ P49 2 channel power amplifier and the not yet released 3 channel version.

 Installation complete.

Musical Fidelity Merlin System so good we put it in the window!

Musical Fidelity have come up trumps with this little system. With vinyl sales increasing daily this is a perfect way to have a compact multi format starter system with real quality for only £1300

The individual components are available separately, but there is a price saving of £200 if bought as a system.



The system comprises the Roundtable turntable, the Merlin amplifier, and the Merlin loudspeakers.


As you can see the turntable is beautifully built, comes complete with an Audo Technica Cartridge, and sounds really good, it has some clever design features which all add to the aound quality, like placing the units centre of gravity at the bearing.

The little Merlin amplifier really punches above its weight, both in sound quality and available features.

There's a reason why Musical Fidelity call this a "multi format system" not only does the amplifier have a quality phono input, it also has 24/192 DACs built in, AptX bluetooth, quality headphone amp, and an ADC so that you can convert the vinyl signal for ripping......Oh and it makes a really good sound too



Last but not least are the little (yes that word crops up a lot with this system) Merlin Speakers, they have a sculpted baffle, which you can see here behind the grille, which produces a very wide dispersion soundfield making the system sound much bigger than would be expected. It is a truly surprising performance from such a small enclosure.


All in all this system sounds great, looks great, and most importantly is fun to listen to: so get up in your loft, rescue those old LPs and get yourself a Merlin system.


Paul, Francis and Boswell

RSD Queue at Hundred Records started at 2.30am!

Yes, that's right, so keen were Mark's customers to be first to get their hands on exclusive Record Store Day vinyl releases that queuing commenced at a chilly 2.30am!

Good luck to Mark for his first Record Store Day at Hundred Records.  It looks like it will be a busy one!

Well done also for the great piece about RSD on Alex Dyke's show on BBC Radio Solent on Friday and extra thanks for mentioning Audio T!

For anyone still in need of a Rega RSD turntable to play their newly purchased vinyl on, we do still have a very limited number of these exclusive decks available on a first come first served basis.  

Remember there is a chance that any of these could be signed by one of your musical heroes!

Don't leave it too late!

Have a great Record Store Day everyone!

Today I am mostly playing Bob Dylan, The Doobie Brothers, Pink Floyd, Paul Simon, Van Morrison, Tracy Chapman, Dr Feelgood, etc.... all on vinyl of course!



Record Store Day just two days away!

With only two days to go until Record Store Day 2015 we have been over to RSD partner record store, Hundred Records in Romsey to set up this cracking vinyl playing music system in time for this exciting event!

Rega are proud to sponsor Record Store Day this year and we are equally proud to give owner of Hundred Records, Mark Wills' customers the opportunity to hear their newly purchased vinyl on this superb Rega based hi-fi.

The turntable is a Rega RP6 running into a Rega Elicit R amplifier.   A Rega Saturn R CD player is also connected just in case anyone wants to hear a CD, and the system is housed on a solid oak HiFi Racks Podium Slimline rack which nicely matches the real wood veneer of the Monitor Audio Silver 6 speakers.

Having seen some of the many boxes of special new releases arriving at Hundred Records we are sure that Mark will have a busy and exciting day on Saturday!

Any customers buying new releases at Hundred Records on Record Store Day will be entitled to 10% discount on any Rega products purchased from Audio T Chandlers Ford until May 30th.  

Good luck to everyone queueing in Romsey to get some exclusive vinyl on Saturday!  Have a listen to the Rega system in Mark's store if you get a chance and we look forward to seeing you here to cater for your turntable and hi-fi needs.  We'd love to hear some of your new records too!




Naim Super Lumina

Naim's new top quality cables arrive at Pompey! We now have demonstration Naim Super Lumina 5 Pin DIN interconnect, and 5M pair of speaker cable for anyone with a higher end system, especially Naim, who wants an upgrade. 5 pin DIN interconnect £1750 and 5M Pair speaker cable £3000 (other lengths are available) We can arrange a home loan if you would like to try them with your system.

Saturday 18th April, Record Store Day.

Saturday April 18th is Record Store Day 2015, and we at Audio-T Cardiff will have some great offers for this year’s event. You might also be aware that to celebrate and commemorate this event, Rega have designed a limited edition turntable to go on sale on the day.

What you will not be aware of perhaps, is that Rega have had plinths signed by participating artists and these are to be built into RSD 2015 turntables and distributed at random across the 500 they have built. They are bound to become sought after collectors’ items and show how important RSD is to musicians, Hi-Fi retailers, independent record stores and record labels.

Rega have manufactured 500 units of these very limited RSD/REGA turntables.
Thirteen units have been exclusively signed by some of the participating artists.
12 of the signed turntables will be secretly shipped in amongst the 500 units and all 500 will be security sealed. We will have three of these turntables available for sale on the day. Will yours be signed?

These are the signatories. 

Chrisse Hynde, Georgie Fame, Gaz Coombes, Gorgon City, Liam Gallagher
Mark Knopfler, Pete McKee (To be auctioned for charity by RSD's partner WarChild)
Pulled Apart by Horses, Peace, Royal Blood, Simple Minds, Suede, Tim Burgess. 

Nytech Audio will also be offering a 10% discount on their superb phono stages, the CDP112MM and the CDP112MC. 

We will also be offering FREE gifts with every Project turntable bought on the day. Purchases up to £300 will qualify for a Project Brush-IT and a Clean-IT. Purchases over £300 will qualify for a Spin Clean Washer System Mk2.

Among the many turntables on display and demonstration will be the striking Project RPM1 seen here in a vibrant red colour. Pop in with your favourite vinyl and have a listen.

RSD Turntables have arrived!

With only 3 days to go until Record Store Day we were very glad to see the limited edition RSD RP1s arrive this morning!

One thing we won't know until Saturday is if one of the decks has been "signed by a star"! 12 of the turntables have been signed by famous artists and secretly shipped so nobody knows it they will have one until they open the box!.

Don't forget that we are giving one of these turntables away as a prize on the day. All you need to do is visit Derricks Music on Oxford Street Swansea, fill in the entry form and keep your fingers crossed.

Hopefully we'll see you there!