Audio T Cheltenham and the Audio Technica AT-VM Moving Magnet Cartridge Family
/Audio Technica have been making phono cartridges for more than a few years now and have got rather good at it! The VM range are so good that I have been inspired to dedicate this months blog to them and explain why one of them may well be just what your turntable needs for Christmas. (Blimey have I mentioned the C word already!)
shiny new things at Audio T Cheltenham
A Bit Of Background Info
Audio Technica was started by Hideo Matsushita from a small flat in 1962. He was disillusioned by the expensive options around at the time and wanted to make brilliance affordable to everyone. The first Audio Technica cartridge was called the AT-1 (must have taken the marketing department a while to come up with that name!)
All Lined Up in a row
Affordable Brilliance
Altogether the Audio Technica VM 95 range consists of five beautifully packaged cartridges (not counting the 78 version) all of which share the same body but all of which use very different styli, and are the epitome of that company philosophy of affordable brilliance. The cartridge is a vitally important link in the reproductive cycle, being the bit that turns the mechanical movement of the needle (stylus) in the record groove into an electrical signal.
The VM95C
The cheapest of the range is the VM95C. The C stands for conical which is the most basic of all the stylus profile shapes and will be mostly used with basic entry level turntables. Also very easy to install and the conical stylus profile is not so fussy about perfect alignment in the turntable head-shell.
The VM95E
Second up from the bottom of the range comes the VM95E. The E here meaning that the stylus profile is elliptical. This gives a little more contact of the stylus with the groove wall of a record thus making the sound a tad more detailed and refined. This one is the perfect go to as an entry level upgrade for older turntables with worn out cartridges or styli or newer decks that have cheap pre fitted cartridges.
The VM95EN
The middle of the range brings us to the VM95EN. This stylus profile is an eliptical nude refinement of the cheaper 95E giving it more groove contact and greater fidelity.
The VM95ML
Just one down from the top of comes the VM95ML. The ML signifies that this stylus tip is microlinear in profile. This almost exactly duplicates the shape of the cutting stylus that produces the original master disc (the disc used to create the pressed vinyl record). This likeness enables the microlinear stylus to track portions of the record groove that other styli just cannot reach. This results in extremely accurate tracing of high frequencies and a flat frequency response within the audible range. This unique multi-faceted shape also wears more evenly,greatly extending record and stylus life…..good eh!
The VM95SH
Sitting proudly at the top of the VM range comes the VM95SH. This has an even narrower stylus tip. This gives a beautiful mid range and improved extension at the top end. Also being much kinder on record groove wear too! It does require more precise alignment and set than do conical and elliptical styli though.
going up the range from left to right
Added Bonus
All models of VM95 Series cartridges use the same electromagnetic engine-body, therefore all of the replacement styli are perfectly compatible with each other. This has the added bonus that cartridges can be used for years just by replacing the interchangeable stylus. It is no longer necessary to buy a complete cartridge when your diamond is worn out, you can simply buy the matching replacement stylus, but also enjoy the experience of upgrading your cartridge with a better stylus should you feel the need.
The packaging is rather nice too
No Nuts
VM95 Series cartridges are all fitted with two M2.6 threaded inserts allowing easy installation of the cartridge onto tonearm or removable head-shell without the use of nuts. Each cartridge is provided with one pair of 8mm M2.6 screws, one pair of 11mm M2.6 screws and two plastic washers. Personally I would do away with the screws and washers and use a couple of nice bolts of just the right length.
The Red Hot Favourite
My Favourite!
Out of the whole range my favourite one is the 95ML. It is a great upgrade for so many turntable and arm combinations. It has this great knack of sounding both full bodied and yet delicate at the same time. Sound staging can be goosbumpingly gorgeous and can put many a much more expensive cartridge to shame! Bass reproduction is fast and bulbous, tight also! I always look forward to listening to one of these and just know that if a turntable has one of these little gems fitted to it that it will sound sweet, musical and fun all at the same time!
Get A Demo
If you fancy hearing the difference that an Audio Technica AT-VM95 series cartridge make to your turntable, please give us a call or pop along to the shop for a demo. There’s free fitting too!
Many thanks for reading… Andy, Jon and Farid - Audio T Cheltenham Store.
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