Linn adds a new Edition to it's DSM range... Chromey thinks it looks Organik.

Our Scottish friends in Glasgow have been keeping busy again, this time it's in the form of a luxurious case upgrade for the Selekt DSM Classic Hub, now know as the Edition Hub. But what is that you say - “How will this improve the overall sound quality of the Classic Hub?” - Well, in more ways than one. Read on…

One of the first things you notice is the beautifully realised control wheel/jog dial. It really does look the part. Made from cut and ground glass and an etched stainless steel surround.

You control the volume with a turn and press the cardinal points to scroll through inputs, settings and navigate the options. All very intuitive and slick.

The Edition Hub has a quality enclosure, featuring machined construction for improved rigidity and better interior isolation, it also looks amazing.

Internally, Linn like to use multi layered circuit boards, double sided to boot. These are of a very high quality and go up to 8 layers and help to keep the signal path nice and short.

Also lurking inside is the beating heart of this system, the Organik DAC. This is a fully programmable gate array (FPGA) multi-bit DAC.

Phil Budd, Senior Design Engineer at Linn explains it eloquently in this video.

Another thing that's very rare nowadays in Hi-Fi is the modular system. With the Selekt, it is a key part of the design. Inspired by very high-end PC motherboards, it has three cartridge slots plus optional HDMI switching, allowing the unit to be customized to the users needs. The Selekt DSM can be assembled as anything from a two channel music streamer with a line level out, up to a 5.1 AV system.

We have ours up and running on our shop floor and have it connected to the equally luxurious Linn Klimax 500 twin power amp. We have a pair of Dynaudio Confidence 50's hanging off it to round it off.

This system just sounds epic, and at higher volumes it just opens up and can fill a large space with ease if required. Depth and a sense of 3D soundstaging is all there.

Now, that is without the use of Linn's Space Optimisation system. Once you take the time to give the Linn the dimensions and features of your room, along with finding the perfect spot for your speakers, you can make even the most compromised of rooms sound like a custom built listening space.

We really are spoilt at Audio T, working hard all day with a backdrop of great sounding Hi-Fi systems to keep our feet tapping.

But you too can experience that, just pop over to the store and let the Organik Klimax Kombo shower you with audio.

Thanks for reading,

Mike & Munir - Audio T Manchester

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