“System Synergy” and All That (Free) Jazz… Featuring a first look at the all new Rega Elicit Mk5 Amplifier
/The Holy Grail
It is very true that an inexpensive audio system can often outperform a more costly and ambitious set up with the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. How does this happen you may ask? Well…
There can be many and varied reasons why people put together their hi-fi systems. For most, it is possibly all about a passion for music and getting the best reproduction that they can. For some it may be a desire to own something shiny and expensive to show off to friends and relatives. For others it may have been randomly chosen from a list of magazine reviews, “best buys” or from a long list of great looking specifications and technical claims in the manufacturer’s blurb. Then there are those that like to stay loyal to a particular brand name or have upgraded components one by one over a number of years to finish up with their dream system. The more frugal of us will buy because a particular product is being sold at a big discount price.
All of these reasons are valid but can and probably could possibly lead to a hi-fi system sounding mediocre and less than the sum of its parts. The really important thing to ask is….”Do these system components work well together?” The phrase we give it here in the Cheltenham store is “System Synergy”. Put simply, the art of putting together components that compliment each other sonically, so that the overall result is a musicality beyond what each of those components could achieve if combined with less compatible products.
A Proper Giant Killer
I have recently been fortunate enough to have several customer demonstrations that have allowed me to listen to a couple of rather nice hi-fi systems, both of which would cost you well over £20K! As you’d imagine, both of them were really really impressive. But then along came this particular demo…
Rega Saturn Mk3, Rega Elicit Mk5 and Acoustic Energy AE209.
This system absolutely defines the phrase “System Synergy”. It consists of two all new releases from Rega - The Rega Saturn Mk3 CD and Rega Elicit Mk5 amplifier, alongside the Acoustic Energy AE509 loudspeakers. The sound that this sexy threesome produces is truly astonishing and really does convey a palpable sense of power, dynamic drive, deep bass extension and a feeling of physical impact so satisfying and way above its price point.
Rega Saturn CD player
The new Rega Elicit Mk5
Acoustic Energy AE509
I won’t go on and on forever about “effortless reproduction” and “openness of soundstage” or how “the loudspeakers simply disappear and make the walls dissolve so that the music magically hangs in the air around you”. Or that “you get the sense that you can hear the performers in the room with you”. Or any other clichés you’re likely to see in many hi-fi articles… But then that really is the wonderful thing about “System Synergy” and the goosebump moments that you can get when it happens. It is priceless!
Free Jazz
Raoul Björkenheim guitars, shekere
Jone Takamäki tenor saxophone, krakaphone, toppophone, whirlpipe
Uffe Krokfors acoustic bass
Alf Forsman drums
Recorded December 1991 at Rainbow Studio, Oslo
I have championed this album before in previous articles. It is a stupidly good recording of some difficult but wonderful music by Finnish experimentalists Krakatau. This album was released on the rather wonderful ECM record label and on most hi-fi systems it can be a challenging listen. However, on this combination, the sound is wonderfully dynamic and open. The acoustic bass is so deep and tight. Raoul’s guitar is wild & abandoned, you can tell he is having tremendous fun playing it. Overall what strikes me the most is how the music is laid out in an ultra wide vista with the speakers imaging way out of their cabinets in all directions. Up, down, left, right, front and back to such an extent that I could swear the band were in the room (oops, there’s a slip of banality) . The system was producing a truly spine tingling effect and l know this album inside out and have heard it on some systems that are way more expensive than this, but played on this set up is quite probably the best (and the most fun) it has ever been! The sheer presence and realism is uncanny with a genuinely tangible low-level resolution and dynamic range that many, much more expensive systems would kill for. Now that is what “System Synergy” is all about. I rest my case.
The system set up in out dem room
The bit at the end
I could go on dishing out superlatives, but if I have even only piqued your interest a tiny bit then demonstrations can be arranged in store and are thoroughly recommended.
Thanks for reading.
Andy, Jon and Farid - Audio T Cheltenham.
If you have any questions about any of the equipment featured in this article, or any other Hi-Fi or home cinema enquiries, be sure to Contact Us.
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Rega can be found at the following Audio T stores
Acoustic Energy can be found at the following Audio T stores