/If you’ve ever found yourself in search of the elusive "good performance yet affordable speaker”, whether it be either for your first Hi-Fi system or perhaps even a home cinema set-up, like many of our customers you will of no doubt found yourself perusing the latest offerings from Monitor Audio. One of their most popular models being the Bronze Series, a rarity in that they are extremely well balanced between both price and performance.
Each of the six generations of the Bronze Series speakers have received rave reviews and awards a plenty over a twenty year period. They have also proven the test of time and become a perennial favourites with our customers and staff alike.
So, if it’s not broke, why fix it?
Monitor audio bronze 6G 200 in a very contemporary white finish
The new 6G series departs quite dramatically from its predecessors. The Bronze range has traditionally favoured a front ported design (with the exception of the smallest speaker in the range). This was considered by some to be a benefit to those with much smaller rooms, allowing them to place the speakers closer to the wall. This new range however has adopted much of its design from its bigger brother, The Silver Series. This would suggest that you are getting a far better speaker at the price point over its previous generations. One such design appropriation being the inclusion of the Hive2 port design, which has been integral to many of Monitor Audio's more exotically priced models. This system enables a smoother response as the cabinet moves the air, ensuring placement isn't compromised. Essentially, it doesn’t matter the size of your room, you will still be able to enjoy the Bronze Series.
As well as changes to the low end, Monitor Audio have modified their C-CAM tweeter with a "Uniform Dispersion" Waveguide. “But what does that mean Andrew?” I hear you cry – In short, this ensures a very clear delivery of higher frequencies for even more detail at the top end. In addition to this, Monitor Audio have also made improvements to their mid and bass drivers construction as well. The inclusion of Damped Concentric Mode (DCM technology) to the Bronze Series’ proprietary C-CAM driver allows for tighter low end and more clarity in the mid-range.
It is obvious to me that an enormous amount of time and effort has been invested in this new 6G series. But as with anything, the proof of Monitor Audio's extensive efforts can only be established by listening to them.
So, how do they sound?
As I’m writing this blog only to whet your appetite, I will let you make the final judgement when you call in for a critical listen. However, my humble impressions listening to both the Bronze 50 and 200 is that they both sound absolutely superb; and, most importantly, all the more impressive when you consider their very competitive price points.
Straight out of the box, both the 50s and the 200s offered a very polished performance, that ably competes with many alternative brands in and above a similar budget. The revised design really does pay dividends!
In conclusion, these new models deliver a more textured and nuanced bass output and a more refined mid-range, but the real surprise is the treble presentation, which is crisp but in no way bright and with a smoothness that is sure to surprise.
In conclusion, the new Bronze range offers a comprehensive selection of speakers that perform admirably for music and home cinema. including a new subwoofer, centre speaker, rear FX speakers and the newly introduced Atmos speakers. The range also has a very fetching new finish, Urban Grey. This contemporary finish is already proving very popular with our customers. But if this isn’t to your liking, you also have the option of the more traditional walnut, matte black or white meaning that they will match most decors.
So, there you have it. Why not book a demonstration to come and listen to these exceptional speakers in store or for home demo?
Andrew & Andy – Audio T Swindon
Monitor Audio can be found at the following Audio-T stores