Essex Appeal! The New Rega Aethos Amplifier Arrives At Audio T Brighton
/Hot on the heels of our Rega Planar 10 turntable fitted with the new Apheta3 cartridge, comes another new product from those clever and ingenious people from Southend-on-Sea.
Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3 cartridge
Rob Noble and Phil Freeman from Rega arrived on Saturday 5th October with the shiny new Aethos amplifier and what an amp it is!
Rega Aethos
Rega Aethos rear view
This is a serious amplifier and went down a storm with all who attended on the day and was demonstrated with our Planar 10 turntable and the Saturn R CD player
RB3000 tonearm with Apheta3 fitted
The biggest disappointment of the day was having to put it back in its box to continue its journey to some of our other branches for more lucky customers to hear it.
Regas’ new addition to the family has arrived
Our demonstration model is due in the next 6 to 8 weeks at which time we can do a more in depth review but for now we’ll have to make do with the memory and look forward it its arrival in due course.
Keep an eye on our blog or the Audio T website and as soon as you see it, we should have one available here for you to take a listen to, we know you’ll not be disappointed and we will look forward to demonstrating it to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon. Julian, John & Paul - Audio T Brighton.
Rega Hi-Fi products are available at all branches of Audio T