New B&W P5 Wireless Headphones

The new P5 Wireless headphones arrived with us yesterday and we couldn't wait to give them a whirl!

With exactly the same style and comfort as the standard P5 you would think that they may be a lot heavier but they feel no heavier at all when wearing them.

They come the usual very plush carry case and charging cable etc.

So.... to get them up and running...


Sometimes setting up bluetooth systems can be quite a challenge, these proved to be one of the quickest I've ever done. Following the instructions the headphones were straight into pairing mode, the i-pod touch scanned and picked them up immediately and away to go with playing music.... hit the share button and select P5 ... and Bob's your Uncle!

As you would expect from the P5 they sound fantastic! Bluetooth technology really does seem to have come a long way in the past couple of years, so much so that you would be hard pushed to tell they were not an ordinary cabled set of P5s.

If you are thinking of a bluetooth pair of headphones but are putting it off because you thought that they just are not as good as cabled headphones then please feel free to bring in your smart phone or tablet and have a listen for yourself... you will be pleasantly surprised!