Brighton Vinyl Roadshow Saturday 13th April. Hi-Fi & Records for Sale.

Diverse Vinyl will once again be joining us in store for a celebration of the LP record between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 13th April.

Along with several trestle tables stacked with pristine high quality vinyl available to purchase, we will be demostrating the superb performance available from the Linn Sondek LP12 record player, and the range of Rega record players, from the humble RP1, to the RP3 and RP6 up to the RP8.

We will be featuring these turntables in several systems that include Naim, Linn and Rega amplification, along with a range of loudspeakers.

Bring along a favourite record and hear what we can do for you.

Bring your turntable for a free assessment and advice on upgrading it.

Join us for a fun day!